The Performance Side of Helping You Feel Better

We work with lots of sport medicine patients and help them get back to activity. It can sometimes be a lot easier (or harder) with different athletes and their situation. Some in particular benefit a lot from pre-lift routines, pulse techniques, and certain grips during lifts. This can be crucial to many athletes because when our body is in pain, our core stability naturally reduces. When in pain, muscular stability and thus stability of the lift can be compromised. Finding ways to increase stability can help increase lift functionality and in turn, make you feel much better.

It is important to not only focus on helping treat your symptoms, but also evaluating the performance aspect of your sport. Helping to treat the cause and prevent future pain or complications.

Join in with Dr. Gary to learn a bit more and see how we can help you improve your lifting routine to help you feel better! We are here for all of your performance and training needs!