Active Wellness is committed to remain a healthy and safe place for you during this time.

Protocol That Is Implemented

✔️Checking and charting each patient’s temperature upon arrival to the clinic, as well as all doctors and staff
✔️ Alternating doctor’s schedules to limit patient volume in the office at one time (our goal is that no patient will have to wait in our waiting area prior to their appointment)
✔️ Maintaining a sanitized office by thoroughly wiping down (sanitizing) all treatment room surfaces after each patient visit + wiping down all high touch areas (desk, pens, door handles, hand sanitizer pumps, etc) regularly throughout the day
✔️ Washing hands immediately before and after each patient
✔️ Denying access to any patient or staff who has traveled outside of the US in the last two weeks or shows any signs or symptoms consistent with those of COVID-19