Why Today’s “Self-Care” is “Crap-Care”
Today we hear all about self-care… from taking a bubble bath and painting your nails to ‘treating’ yourself to a burger and fries. However, I am here to tell you that is all a load of crap.
What self-care ISN’T
Self-care is not splurging and doing whatever you’d like, then just labeling it self-care. There is this misconception that being good to yourself is doing whatever you want, no matter how bad that may be for you and your body.
I’m not saying that painting your nails (I love getting my nails done as much as the next gal (or gentleman…)) and having fries can never happen again, I am saying that it is a load of crap if you are claiming that as self-care and all that you’re doing. That isn’t true self-care. Many times, we are just making excuses for ourselves.
What self-care IS
True self-care IS doing GOOD things for your body. Like having a regular exercise routine, eating nutritious, whole, and natural food, having positive and respectful thoughts, practicing self-reflection and self-awareness, working towards a mind and body connection, and so much more.
Why should you care about self-care?
Well I would hope that we would all want to create and sustain a healthy life. Not that you need to hit your macros each day and exercise your brains out. But that you are creating a life that takes care of you back.
We PREACH balance here at Active Wellness. We get it. Life happens. Burgers and fries are sometimes inevitable, we won’t hit every work out of the year, but here is the thing….it doesn’t have to happen every day. If we can all hit a healthy consistency of about 80% that would be an incredible accomplishment. Making positive healthy choices for your mind, body and soul… image how different your life could look.
We don’t need ‘self-care days’, we need a self-care centered life.
A little bit of self-care each and every day can add up to a lot. Creating daily practices that strive for a healthy self, THAT is self-care.
We 100% believe that self-care is important. It is just HOW and WHAT you are doing for that self-care that really matters. Self-care is about caring and taking concern with yourself, making meaningful and positive choices to positively care for your mind, body, and soul.
We are not saying that eating a perfect diet and exercise each and every day is easy, we get that. It isn’t… it is hard, it can be so incredibly hard. BUT we do know how important it is and how much better of a life we can live if we can get over that hurdle. It is SO worth it once we get there. That we can guarantee. Your body, mind, and soul will surely thank you.
It isn’t that you cannot treat yourself, it is that you are worth more than a bubble bath and fries. Trust me. You and your body were made for more than that.
So today, I challenge everyone to do something that their body will thank you for. Do something that will make your body stronger for tomorrow. That is self-care. Thinking of yourself and your healthy future, that is truly having the upmost self-care for what is to come in life. Again, it won’t always be easy, but it will always be worth it.
-Kensie Haden M.S., Pn 1
If you are looking for more help to learn how to balance your self-care, just trying to get started, or even on the right track but feel like you’re hitting a plateau, let us know. Our team of specialists can help through lifestyle, nutrition, and fitness coaching to help find what will work best for you. We totally get that starting is the hardest part, but we are here for you.